
  1. Targets and implementation
    1. Setting electrification strategy?
    2. Setting electrification milestones and deadlines?
    3. Reporting progress towards the defined energy access target/milestones with periodic reports?
    4. Is there a requirement for periodic progress reports tracking progress towards the defined energy access target?
    5. Does the tracking get published?
    6. Does the plan target a service level (e.g., power availability, number of guaranteed hours of power supply, etc.)?
    7. Coordinating generation, transmission, and distribution plans and their implementation?
    8. Are there institution(s) responsible for carrying out the following functions:
  2. Inclusion of decentralized energy solutions for specific groups
    1. Does the plan specifically address the electricity access of vulnerable groups (e.g., female-headed households, informally settled people, displaced people or any other vulnerable group identified in the country context)?
    2. Does the plan include productive uses (e.g., agricultural, commercial, and industrial activities)?
    3. Does the plan include community facilities (e.g., health centers, schools, administrative buildings)?
    4. Does the plan encourage the leveraging of private-sector financing?
    5. Does the electrification plan include decentralized energy solutions (either/or both mini grids and off-grid systems)?
  3. Existence
    1. Were there any public consultations while developing the plan?
    2. Is there an officially approved national electrification plan?
    3. Is there a provision for the plan to be periodically evaluated?
    4. Is the electrification plan developed based on demand assessment and/or geospatial least cost analysis?
    5. Does the plan detail how it will be funded?
    6. Are there geospatial maps conveying the timeframe of planned grid extension?
    7. Are the electrification plan and the updates publicly available?

Country Scores

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