Do the regulations clarify what will occur when the main grid reaches a mini grid's service area?
Are there publicly available technical and safety standards detailing the requirements for mini grids?
Are there publicly available quality of service standards for mini grids (e.g., minimum hours per day, minimum uptime, etc.)?
Are there e-government or other initiatives that reduce bureaucracy that are applicable to mini grids (e.g., one-stop-shop permitting; online processes for tariff submission/review/approval; etc.)?
Are there clear rules that prevent the regulatory authority from unilaterally changing the tariff without due cause and without warning?
Are there clear rules for how tariffs can be adjusted over time?
Are there clear registration, permitting or licensing procedures for mini grid operators?
Are mini grids legally allowed to operate in the country?
Are mini grid operators legally allowed to charge a cost-reflective tariff, even if it is different from the national tariff?