
  1. Public procurement of energy efficiency products
    1. Region/state/province level
    2. Region/state/province level
    3. National level
    4. National level
    5. Municipal/city/county level
    6. Municipal/city/county level
    7. Do public budgeting regulations and practices allow public entities to retain energy savings at the following levels? Tick all applicable levels:
    8. Are there specific policies or mandated guidelines for public procurement of energy-efficient products and services on the following levels?
    9. Are there guidelines or tools to help identify energy-efficient options for procurement (eg: EE calculators, technical specifications, product rating catalogues)?
  2. Obligations for public infrastructure
    1. Is there a reporting mechanism to track and enforce energy savings in public sector facilities (either in-house or by a third party)?
    2. Is there a financing mechanism in place to support EE retrofitting in the public and/or private sector?
    3. Are there binding energy savings obligations for public buildings and/or other public facilities (may include water supply, wastewater services, municipal solid waste, street lighting, transportation, and heat supply)?

Country Scores

There are no country scores for this indicator