
  1. Risk Mitigation
    1. If the counterparty is a special purpose entity, is it underwritten by a government guarantee or are there other mechanisms to ensure credit worthiness (e.g. through a letter of credit, escrow account, payment guarantee, or other)?
    2. Are there provisions to compensate seller if offtake infrastructure is not built in time?
    3. Are there mechanisms to compensate RE projects for lost generation due to certain curtailments after project commissioning?
    4. Are PPA tariffs indexed to inflation?
    5. Are consumers and prosumers exposed to time-dependent pricing (i.e. time-of-use tariffs)?
  2. Renewable grid integration
    1. Has the geospatial planning or zoning guidance been carried out according to best practices by: i) being undertaken as part of a strategic environmental and social assessment or equivalent process; and ii) by making the outputs publicly available?
    2. Has the country used, carried out or produced geospatial planning or zoning guidance to inform the commercial development of the RE resource?
    3. Does the grid code include measures or standards addressing variable renewable energy?
    4. Does the country integrate high quality forecasting for any variable RE resources (either through subscription service or provided by national agencies) into their dispatch operations?
    5. Are there rules defining the allocation of connection costs and are the connection cost allocation policy considered "deep" (supporting transmission connection for RE generation)?
    6. Are generation and transmission planning integrated and include the deployment of renewables?:
  3. Market Design
    1. Is there a value-based approach in place that minimizes overall power system costs, not just RE generation costs alone?
    2. Is the sector unbundled and liberalized so that the private sector can participate in transmission, distribution and retail and electricity customers can purchase power directly from a third party they choose?
    3. Does the market follow an economic dispatch of power plants (locational marginal pricing, merit order)? (even without a competitive wholesale power market)
    4. Does the legal framework allow for private sector electricity generation?
  4. Electricity targets, laws, strategies and programs
    1. Does the country have a law/strategy/plan/programme to achieve the electricity targets?
    2. Does a renewable energy target, either national or international (e.g. Nationally Determined Contributions, both conditional or unconditional) exist for electricity?
  5. Electricity quotas, mandates and certificates
    1. Is there a renewable certificate tradable system for new projects that covers the electricity sector?
    2. Is there a framework to monitor and penalize non-compliance of the tradable system in the electricity sector?
    3. Is there a framework to monitor and penalise non-compliance of the tradable system in the electricity sector?
    4. Are there quotas, obligations and/or mandates for renewables in the electricity sector? (e.g. renewable portfolio standards)
  6. Electricity pricing instruments
    1. Is there net metering or net billing for renewables?
    2. Is there a schedule or clear rules (e.g. capacity based limits) for adjusting the tariff level over time?
    3. Is there a schedule for future and systematic tenders/auctions available for investors?
    4. Is there a mechanism to prevent cross-subsidization among those customers who self-consume and those who do not?
    5. Is there a mechanism to control the capacity built under each tariff?
    6. Are there concessional loans that help overcome the high upfront cost of renewables in the electricity sector?
    7. Are there channels for the auctioneer to receive feedback from investors pre- and post-auction (i.e. public consultations)?
    8. Are the qualification documents and process to select bidders clearly and transparently available to investors (i.e. an auction website)?
    9. Are different feed in tariffs or premiums available for different technologies and sizes of the generation plant?

Country Scores

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